CM to FT Converter - Convert Centimeters to Feet & Inches

Metric to US Converter (CM to FT)

US to Metric Converter (FT to CM)

CM to FT Conversion - Accurate & Instant Results

Easily convert centimeters to feet and inches using our simple and accurate cm to ft converter. Whether you need to convert 1 cm to feet or understand how much 100 cm in feet measures, our tool provides quick and precise results. If you're wondering, "What is 1.60 m in feet or 1.70 cm in feet?" this tool simplifies the calculation instantly.


  • Metric to US Conversion: Input your height in centimeters, and the tool will convert it into feet and inches.
  • US to Metric Conversion: Convert 1 foot to cm or calculate 1 meter to feet and inches easily.
  • Advanced Height Chart: Compare heights with famous personalities or fictional characters.

Common Conversions:

  • 1 foot to cm = 30.48 cm
  • 1 meter 80 cm in feet = 5 feet 11 inches
  • 1 meter 100 cm = 2 meters
  • 104 cm to inches and feet = 3 feet 5 inches
  • 120 cm in feet = 3 feet 11 inches
  • 120 x 180 cm to feet = 3.93 x 5.90 feet
  • 159 cm to feet = 5 feet 2.6 inches

How to Use:

  1. Convert CM to FT:
    • Enter your height in centimeters.
    • The result will be displayed in feet and inches.
  2. Convert FT to CM:
    • Enter your height in feet and inches.
    • The tool will calculate the equivalent centimeters.

Why Use Our CM to FT Converter?

Our advanced height calculator is designed for precision and ease of use. Whether you're comparing height, checking height in feet, or measuring objects, this tool is your go-to solution. Convert 100cm in inches and feet or explore our growth chart calculator for a detailed height projection.

Use our Height Comparison Tool to compare your height with celebrities like Megan Thee Stallion or Chris Evans, or check the height difference between two people easily.

Explore More:

Try our CM to FT converter now to get instant, accurate results!