Your babies Height Predictor Calculator

Height Comparison Chart:

Height Predictor Calculator: User Guide


This Height Predictor Calculator estimates the potential height of children based on the heights of their parents. It presents the results in a visually appealing way, using a modal pop-up for easy viewing.

How to Use the Calculator

  1. Input Parent Heights:
    • Enter the Mother's Height:
      • Input the height in feet (ft) and inches (in) using the respective fields.
    • Enter the Father's Height:
      • Similarly, input the height in feet (ft) and inches (in).
  2. Calculate Predicted Heights:
    • Click the "Calculate" button. This will trigger the calculation of the predicted heights for both a male and female child based on a standard height prediction formula.
  3. Viewing Results:
    • Once the calculation is complete, a modal pop-up will appear displaying the predicted heights:
      • The modal shows the male child's predicted height in feet and inches.
      • It also displays the female child's predicted height in the same format.
  4. Height Comparison Chart:
    • Below the input fields, a Height Comparison Chart will show the heights of the parents and the predicted heights of the children. Each individual is represented by a colored bar for easy comparison.
  5. Close the Modal:
    • To dismiss the modal with the results, simply click the close (Ă—) button located at the top right corner of the modal.
    • You can also click anywhere outside the modal to close it.

Calculation Methodology

The heights of the children are estimated using the following method:

This method provides a simple average based on parental heights, adjusted slightly to account for typical gender differences.


With this calculator, you can easily estimate the heights of potential children based on parental input. It combines functionality with a user-friendly design, ensuring a smooth experience.